President Donald Trump has recently made a controversial statement, claiming “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law” in response to accusations that his recent actions are unconstitutional. This statement comes amid growing concerns about the expansion of executive power and potential violations of constitutional norms.
Just yesterday we published an article suggesting it was premature to be concerned with a constitutional crisis because Trump hadn’t taken any illegal action yet and hinted he’d play by the rules. In fact, earlier this week when a reporter asked Trump if he would abide by judges’ rulings, he responded: “… I always abide by the courts, always abide by them. And we’ll appeal,” Trump added. “But appeals take a long time.”
But, now, given his subsequent quote on social media, should we be concerned about a constitutional crisis?
Someone on X calling himself SEO Branding Expert said it best:
“… He is setting up a narrative to justify pushing beyond constitutional norms? The real danger here isn’t that this is a direct call to action; it’s that it subtly plants the seed for something bigger. A leader framing legality around their own sense of ‘saving’ the country is a setup for situational law, where the rules don’t apply if you believe the cause is just.”
Rather than blatantly breaking the law right away, he is subtly influencing public opinion by planting the idea that his actions are acceptable. This strategic approach gradually shapes perceptions, making it seem as though what he’s planning to do is perfectly fine.
He did this for the 2020 Election as well. Despite winning in 2016, he immediately insisted that election was rigged against him and that the 2020 Election would be fraudulent as well. So, after losing in 2020, he then basically said, ‘See, I told you the Democrats would cheat. I’ve been telling you for 4 years they’d cheat.’
By floating the false idea of a rigged election, Trump wisely planted another seed, warming the public to the idea the election would be stolen. And he convinced almost 40 percent of Americans there was illegal activity in the election despite not having a shred of evidence.
He’s doing it again. He’s planting that seed. “He Who Saves His Country Violates no Law”
When he breaks the law, it’ll be more of an expectation than a surprise and folks will insist its no big deal or that the judges – previously appointed by Democrat and Republican presidents – are corrupt.
But, we have checks and balances for a reason. That’s how our government works. And it works that way top prevent dictator wannabes from wielding too much power.
(Here’s a Trump supporter WHO sees the big picture. Unfortunately, most won’t)
While Trump may not excel as a leader or demonstrate wisdom in government and diplomacy, it is important to be wary of his intelligence as a conman. His adept use of mind games can be quite deceptive,
His intelligence in that area is very underrated.
If you’re not careful, he can sell you beachfront property in Idaho. He’s that type of individual. He preys on folks who are easily duped and desperately want to believe what he says.
We must beware.