LIVING IN AMERICA: Nearly 40% of Americans say it’s not enjoyable anymore

Who remembers the James Brown hit “Living in America” released in 1985? It became a significant hit, reaching number 4 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and number 5 on the UK Singles Chart. The song was featured prominently in the film Rocky IV, where Brown performed it during Apollo Creed’s ring entrance, highlighting the character’s patriotic image.

Unfortunately, there’s growing sentiment that living in the U.S. is no longer enjoyable for many Americans as recent surveys and reports highlight widespread dissatisfaction and stress among the population.

As economic pressures and social tensions increase, many Americans are looking abroad for a better life. A recent survey by Talker Research found these negative perceptions have significantly altered the way many people view life in America compared to other countries. In fact, 40% now believe that living in the U.S. is neither enjoyable nor preferable to residing elsewhere.

Almost seven in ten respondents (69%) worried about the direction the United States is heading, while a majority (65%) described American society as having become “toxic.”

Of note, 17% of adults want to move internationally in the next five years, with 5% planning concrete steps and 2% already starting the process.

Millennials are especially eager, with 25% wanting to relocate due to challenges like economic downturns and student debt. Regionally, Midwesterners (18%) show slightly more interest than other areas (16%). Some see living abroad as a long-held dream; 44% have always wanted this experience.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 49% of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, with majorities expressing dissatisfaction with the national economy and cost of living.

Canada is the top destination for potential expatriates, favored for its healthcare (41%), diverse landscapes (28%), and work-life balance (21%). Italy follows at 11%, appealing for its cuisine (68%) and culture (66%). England ranks third at 10%, valued for its culture and history. Other popular choices include Australia, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Scotland, and Germany.

Driving factors include dissatisfaction with U. S. society’s direction (69%), affordability issues (54%), financial inequality limits on opportunities (55%), poor work-life balance perception (57%), inadequate healthcare systems (65%), broken education systems(66%), making many feel life in the U. S. is less enjoyable or preferable to other countries.

Top 10 Countries Americans Want to Move To:
Costa Rica

Talker Research surveyed 2,000 general population Americans; the survey was administered and conducted online by Talker Research between Feb. 7 and Feb. 10, 2025.
