A New Zealander living in Australia just gave his opinion of what he believes the civilized world thinks about America these days, and he doesn’t hold back. He also issued a stark warning to Americans while urging us to boycott American products.
“It’s all pretty clear people. To us anyway.”
“We’re looking at Americans who voted for this clown and still supporting him. And honestly, to call you stupid is being kind. It’s being kind.”
“From the outside looking in, America is a basketcase.”
“All the things you used to stand for… equality, justice for all, liberty, democracy. It’s all being eroded…. “
“We are standing here in Australia looking in [and] just thinking ‘WHAT THE HELL HAS HAPPENED TO AMERICA?’
Well, sir, millions of Americans are saying the same thing.
Has the second Trump era issued in what will eventually be known as the ‘Late, Great USA?’