KING ME: Trump, again, insists he’ll run for 3rd term

President Donald Trump on Thursday again raised the prospect of serving for an unconstitutional third term, asking a crowd at a White House event whether he should run again and receiving audience chants of ‘Four more years!,’” the Washington Post reports.

“The suggestion followed a stretch of days in which Trump referred to himself as a king and quoted a dictator in suggesting that he was immune from following laws — all while his administration has continued pushing the bounds of presidential power.”

Barely a month into his second term Trump is already talking about a third term, something the Consitution forbids.


  • Trump should focus on lowering grocery prices and tackling inflation. He’s not nearly as popular as he thinks and the American public won’t give him a pass on the economy, no matter how many undocumented citizens are kicked out
  • Trump will be 82 at the end of his current term and is grossly overweight. If his diet doesn’t improve he may not survive his current term
  • Should the Constitution be amended to allow Trump to run again, one must wonder if Barack Obama will launch a comeback to challenge him
  • Trump isn’t blowing smoke; he wants to run again and is planting the seeds of expectation early. He’s already sending subliminal messages that are, after four years, supposed to set the expectation for a third term. Keep in mind that he, despite winning, insisted the 2016 election was rigged thereby laying the groundwork for falsely insisting he lost the 2020 election due to fraud. Immediately after he was sworn in he told the media that Democrats would try to steal the 2020 election. And, nearly four years later, he convinced almost 40 percent of Americans there was illegal activity in the election despite not having a shred of evidence. By floating a third term, Trump is wisely planting another seed, hoping a third term will be more of an expectation among Americans than a surprise.
